If I Had a Million
Gil Abrams is a religious man, and not getting any younger. But after watching his wife die, and lines in his face getting deeper, he decides that maybe heaven can wait. Especially when he finds out about the new de-aging treatment on the market. The only problem is the cost. Being a retired janitor, his life savings don't quite cover the million yuan. The only option is to become a coyote, smuggling American immigrants by sea into Newfoundland from the civil war that rages below the border. It takes a lot of guts, determination, planning, and a risk-taking nature, none of which Gil has. In this dark satire podcast of the near future that the New York Times called absolutely nothing because they never heard of it, and wouldn’t care if they did, one man will decide if living far into the future is worth possibly giving up the present.
If I Had a Million
The big day has arrived. But not for Gil. He simply doesn't have the nerve. Although watching his son risk it all is already enough to keep him up all night. Will God protect Melvin and Reverend Tom? Who the good Lord chooses as his instruments is mysterious indeed. Some might say reckless.